About Us
Jerome and Leigh Crutch have been married for twenty (24) years and have three (3) wonderful children. They have been principal real estate investors since 1996. When the economy changed they had ten (10) mortages go into default at one time. Tenants were layed off and unable to pay their rent. That began their financial nightmare.

Jerome was introduced to the 5LINX Network Marketing business in October 2008. In addition he is an accomplished real estate owner and manager acquiring and managing anywhere from single family homes to large multiple unit apartments, all while maintaining his place of employment with the City of New York. His attitude of having multiple sources of income came after witnessing a family member retire from the same position with the City of New York, then ten (10) years later that elderly family member had to return to the work force because of the cost of living increase and inflation (retirement income is a fixed income). Is as such he was always open to new ventures. However, he was very reluctant to hear the 5LINX network marketing opportunity for fear it was "just another one of those things". But the fact that the information was coming from his older brother, who is also his Pastor, was helpful. When he saw that the products and services of 5LINX were bills he was already paying and needed, he got started right away. After seven (7) short months the income from the 5LINX business started to match the income he received on his job in which he had been employed for fifteen (15) years.
Leigh was even more reluctant to hear the information. She was always focused on the family's finances and investments, which included trading the stock market, futures market and real estate acquisitions, as well as a business she founded specializing in asset recovery and debt collections. One day she overheard a business breifing taking place and heard the credentials of the company being featured in the "Inc 500" magazine and that giving stock options were a part of their compensation plan.. "In my mind there was no way this type of business would yield the type of income we were accustomed to because there was no large investment. When I overheard the credentials of the company being listed in the "Inc 500" financial publication, I was finally open to listen." Halfway through seeing the business overview she knew it was exactly the business she needed to be focusing her attention on. She saw it as a way out of their horrible financial situation of having to pay multiple mortgages and a way to grow a constant, continuously increasing, monthly income.
Jerome and Leigh pooled their relational resources together and reached the elite position of Senior Vice President after twenty one (21) months with no prior experience in the industry. They continued their road to success to reach Platinum Senior Vice President in May of 2015 while working at an extremely part-time basis. They are thankful to God that they are blessed to experienced at "living full-time" and "working part-time" and are committed to helping others do the same through the industries they have experience in that are known for acquiring wealth... real estate ownership, stock market, futures market and now...Network Marketing!
Jerome and Leigh continued on their personal path of progression by utilizing their network marketing skills and building a network of equity partners, private lenders and motived sellers to further the acquisitions of larger multi-family properties in emerging markets. Through their real estate holding company they focus on giving their partners above average rates of return secured by real estate. "We are all on this earth blessed to be a blessing!"
Promotion Celebration!

Collectively packed 16,200 meal packs for Haiti and local Long Islander's
& Our Favorite PTA Fundraiser, Scholastic Book Fair.
"If there's a Book about it, You can Learn About It!"
#CrutchPayItForward #CrutchFamilyTime
"Jerome and Leigh are phenominal mentors to success. They have successfully helped me reach the level of Senior Vice President in twenty four (24) months. I have two Masters Degrees and two Bachelors Degrees and found I still had more month than I had money...and numerous student loans to show for it. I could not afford to live. After twenty two (22) short months with the 5LINX business I was able to retire from my job as a full time New York City school teacher." - Dawn Hough-Tadlock., M.A., B.A. - West Hempstead, NY
"I received notice from my job that I was being layed off. Then my husband received notice that his place of employment was downsizing. That's when I realized I needed to take this business seriously. We called up Jerome & Leigh and said we were ready to be serious. They gave us their undivided attention and twenty four (24) months later, with their help, we reached Senior Vice President with no prior experience in the industry...But if it took me five (5) years or ten (10) years it would be worth it. It's better than forty (40) years on a job. I no longer have to worry about paying my bills...and now we have a new born baby. I don't have to worry about leaving my son with anyone because now I work from home and make my own hours!" - Shedettah Richards - Deer Park, NY
"I'm a single Mom of two looking for another source of income. I've known Jerome since school days and I put him off for two years. When I finally got started, Jerome & Leigh successfully helped me to leverage my relationships and close the largest energy account of 13,000,000 killowatts and save my NYC client $450,000 annually. I now earn a significant income without having to reach the top of the compensation plan" - Karen Clarke, Rosedale, NY ---> CLICK to watch her rceive her award at the National Convention
Jerome and Leigh often share with the people they meet, "If you are paying rent or a paying a mortgage, having a business such as this one is necessary just for the tax write offs. If not this business, definately find one that suits you. One of the benefits of the 5LINX business is that we can write off the bills we were already paying!"
"If you are coachable and have a strong desire to succeed, let us let yourself be the next success story! We have a simple system in place that anyone can be successful at. Don't think it's too good to be true. It's too good to pass up! ...and don't let the fear of something new and unknown get in your way!"

Leigh Crutch and their Dubai Partners - UAE
First SVP from Bengladesh in our organization
In 6 Short Months - Shamima Bengum
Jerome & Leigh Crutch present newly promoted
SVPs Mark & Shedettah Richards with their BMW.